What is the dish you have created that you are most proud of and why?
A cured beef tongue “carpaccio” with mamey. I’m proud of the dish, but I’m even more proud of the fact that I got to serve it as the first course of an important event in front of 350 people. Beef tongue is not popular at all in northern Mexico, and it was a success.
How has the current pandemic affected your restaurant?
It has completely closed Casa Liebre. Not forever, but at least for this year. Parras is a tourist town, and without tourists, turnover has dropped to zero. March and April were a nightmare to get through and tough decisions were made. But I think everything happens for a reason and I am happy to do what I am doing now. Otherwise, with the restaurant open, I wouldn’t have had the time or energy to focus on new projects.
What is the one food trend you wish would disappear?
Fast food. It’s not a trend, but I wish we could eradicate everything that is fast and pre-packaged. We are so used to having everything at our fingertips that many of us don’t know life without that convenience. We grew up in this system, but part of me hopes that the lockdown will teach us to slow down.
What is the first restaurant you will go to after the lockdown and what will you order?
I don’t know which restaurant, but as always, New York is my main destination. I really love it there. Or it could be London for a change, I’ve never been there and I’ve always wanted to go. Street food is what I crave more now, so maybe I’ll go to Mexico City first!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)